Hezekiah Walker & LFC – Grateful

It’s the season of Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is so much more than carving turkey and going to people’s house to eat some good food. Thanksgiving is first about giving thanks to God and second about expressing your gratitude to God and other people. The Bible says in Psalm 106:1 Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Romans 13:7 says Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. In otherwords, give honor where honor is due.

I want to start it off by letting God know that I am grateful to him. God, I want you to know that I am grateful that you woke me up this morning and started me off in the right state of mind. I am grateful, that I have a place to live, food to eat, a warm bed. Lord I am thankful that you have given me life and breath within my body. Lord I want you to know that I am grateful that you loved me enough to send people into my life. I’m grateful for a mother and step dad who has been very supportive. I’m grateful to have friends who are so loving, giving, supportive, helpful, and nurturing. I’m thankful to every person who has been supportive. I want to say a special thanks to my mother, Jacqueline Jackson, my step dad Forrest Harvey, my Nana Ruby Jackson, my Grand Daddy James Jackson, my Ganny Chris Patrick (RIP), my Aunts Keasha, Priscilla, Rochelle, Ros, and Pam my uncles Carl Calvin, and Glen my brother Forrest, Lil Ervin, my Lil Sis Deja & Brianna. I want to first start off saying I’m truly grateful for my family. I know that without them I wouldn’t be here. I also want to give a special thanks to my best friends Sherry Lee, Laree Presley, Andrea Newsome, Carolada Sanders, Karesha Brooks, Robert Brashear, Anthony Paris, Otis Bassett, Latosha Johnson, Tamika Johnson, Darrenda, and Vashti, and Crystal Holdipp. I’m also thankful for the new friends that God placed into my life Kanesha Hall, Don Kneessi, Jenny Armstrong, Annmarie Wilson, Jennifer Lyon, Davida McMullen, Nicole Carroll. I also want to give a special thanks to Minister Doss, Damita Pitman, Indeera Hill, Elly David, Mukiibi John, and Veronica Montgomery. I also want to say thank you to all others who are supportive and visitors of this website. I submit to you today, be grateful! Give honor where honor is due. First be thankful and grateful unto God and then be grateful to the people that God has divinely placed into you life. When was the last time you told somebody thank you? When was the last time you told someone I appreciate you? When was the last time you was nice to someone? I submit to you today, stop complaining and start being grateful and don’t forget to express your gratitude through words and deeds.

Click Here to Download the Gratitude Sheet

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Shawne M. Jackson
I'm a woman after God's own heart. I love the Lord and He loves me. We have a deep friendship that most people wouldn't understand. I am committed to the Lord for ever. I'm kind, loyal, honest, cheerful, friendly, cool, fun to be around, generous and beautiful inside and outside. I'm an creative person. I enjoy doing things like reading the Bible, praying, worshipping and praising God, writing, singing, graphic design, recording youtube videos, supporting others, giving advice, counseling people, reading books, watching excellent movies, studying books, acting, and designing. I also love helping others, listening to some good music, acting goofy around my friends. My dream is to become an published author and start my own business and non-proft organization helping people. I'd also like to do motivational speaking as well as preach and teach the Bible which is what I know that God is calling me to do. I'm truly thankful to the Lord Jesus for the purpose and calling on my life.