Online PR News – 28-April-2014 –Here’s what most people will say about The Lady Blue’s Story The Lady Blue's Story Kindle Book Cover-Changed Font(Shamonj Gifts, LLC ).

It’s brilliant.

And not just because they like or know the author, but because it really is.

Movie Geek’s latest book, The Lady Blue’s Story is centered around the life of Lyric, a famous celebrity pop, & R & B singer. Part memoir, part romance, part drama, it’s suitable for anyone who enjoys a great read.

The Detroit author says that the inspiration for writing the book came from one of her own dramatically, life-altering experiences. With vivid candor, she speaks of the genesis of the content.

“A man I loved and I were on the phone telling each other love stories,” she explained. “With a soothing voice he said, ‘I have a story to tell you but you must close your eyes.’

“I closed my eyes and listened to him tell me the story. Shortly after, an ocean of tears ran down my cheeks. My spirit, soul and heart were really touched that night. I carried that story in my spirit for many years before writing it. Years later, I decided that others should hear it as well. So, I re-wrote the story but changed the names of the characters and the title.”

Movie Geek hopes her readers will be just as enlightened and moved by the story as she was.

The much-anticipated book is a great read for those looking for an unpredictable gem and certainly deserves the avid reader’s interest.

Soft-cover and digital copies of The Lady Blue’s Story are available at and . For additional information including how to book Movie Geek for speaking engagements, contact her publicist, Fran Briggs, 206.279.0818.

Product Details

File Size: 2267 KB
Print Length: 91 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Shamonj Gifts LLC (January 4, 2014)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English

ABOUT Fran Briggs:
Fran Briggs is an award-winning writer, professional journalist, and the Director of Operations of eMediaCampaigns! – a dynamically different, international, news distribution and public relations firm. Her work has been featured on CNN, FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, Oprah, ABC’s, The View, Black Enterprise, Entrepreneur Magazine, and more. She catches the attention of inundated consumers, editors, news directors, and reporters. Her clients include professional athletes, Olympic Champions, speakers, recording artists, authors, children, Mothers of five, writers, entrepreneurs, and more. She shows people how to use the media and social networking to establish their credibility, enhance their reputation, position themselves as experts, sell more products and services, promote their initiative or event, and establish themselves as ‘The peoples choice’.

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Shawne M. Jackson
I'm a woman after God's own heart. I love the Lord and He loves me. We have a deep friendship that most people wouldn't understand. I am committed to the Lord for ever. I'm kind, loyal, honest, cheerful, friendly, cool, fun to be around, generous and beautiful inside and outside. I'm an creative person. I enjoy doing things like reading the Bible, praying, worshipping and praising God, writing, singing, graphic design, recording youtube videos, supporting others, giving advice, counseling people, reading books, watching excellent movies, studying books, acting, and designing. I also love helping others, listening to some good music, acting goofy around my friends. My dream is to become an published author and start my own business and non-proft organization helping people. I'd also like to do motivational speaking as well as preach and teach the Bible which is what I know that God is calling me to do. I'm truly thankful to the Lord Jesus for the purpose and calling on my life.