Inspiring Moments For You ContestIn 2014, Shamonj Gifts LLC is sponsoring it’s first contest and it’s called Inspiring Moments For You Contest. If you are interested in participating in the Contest you must follow ALL of the Instructions!

Contest Instructions:

1. Click Join on the Inspiring Moments For You Contest Event Page.

2. Click Like on ALL of the Fanpages below (Shamonj Gifts LLC, Inspiring Moments: Encouragement for the Soul, and Crystal Holdipp’s fanpages)

Shamonj Gifts LLC Fanpage-

The Inspiring Moments: Encouragement for the Soul Fanpage-

Crystal Holdipp’s Fanpage-

3. Purchase your paperback copy of the Inspiring Moments: Encouragement for the Soul Book from, or directly from Shamonj Gifts LLC. Link: Link:

Shamonj Gifts LLC: Contact Shawne Jackson by website or through email

4. Take a photo of yourself holding the book and post it on the Inspiring Moments For You Contest Event page.

5. Read the book and write a review of the book on or Goodreads.

Place to write the review on Amazon:

Place to write the review on Goodreads:

6. Write a blog: In the blog I want you to write about how the Inspiring Moments: Encourage for the Soul book has touched your life and write about an life changing, moving, Inspiring Moment that happened in your life. Be creative with the blog. Also make sure that you post the photo of yourself holding the book in your hand in the blog. If you don’t have a blog you can Google search blogs. WordPress, Blogger, Hubpages are some examples of blog sites.

7. Once you’re finished with the blog post the link on the Shamonj Gifts LLC Event Page.

8. Sign up for a paypal account if you don’t have one and inbox me your name, paypal email, and home address.

9. Post the link to your blog on the Inspiring Moments For You Event Page.

The winners will receive cash prizes, special recognition on the fanpage and a copy of My Vision Journal mailed to them.

There will be 3 winners chosen for the cash prizes. Please follow ALL directions or you will be disqualified from the competition. If you are chosen as the winner and you don’t respond within a week, you will automatically be disqualified and another winner will be chosen. The deadline to have your blogs created is December 31, 2014. The winners will be announced in March. Good luck everyone!

To participate you must have an Facebook Account and go to the Inspiring Moments For You Contest page under the Shamonj Gifts LLC Fanpage. Here is the link to it:

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Shawne M. Jackson
I'm a woman after God's own heart. I love the Lord and He loves me. We have a deep friendship that most people wouldn't understand. I am committed to the Lord for ever. I'm kind, loyal, honest, cheerful, friendly, cool, fun to be around, generous and beautiful inside and outside. I'm an creative person. I enjoy doing things like reading the Bible, praying, worshipping and praising God, writing, singing, graphic design, recording youtube videos, supporting others, giving advice, counseling people, reading books, watching excellent movies, studying books, acting, and designing. I also love helping others, listening to some good music, acting goofy around my friends. My dream is to become an published author and start my own business and non-proft organization helping people. I'd also like to do motivational speaking as well as preach and teach the Bible which is what I know that God is calling me to do. I'm truly thankful to the Lord Jesus for the purpose and calling on my life.